Non-Profit Organization

Greater New York Chamber of Commerce

The Greater New York Chamber of Commerce represents 30,000 business and civic leaders comprising of entrepreneurs, small, medium size, major and international corporations, public officials, local, city, state and federal agencies, foreign dignitaries, and consulates. It is an approved New York State Not for Profit. It operates under Rule 501 C 6, as an exempt organization under the U.S. Internal Revenue Code. It also maintains a charitable fund to help assist local chambers, trade organizations and civic groups under IRS Rule 501 C 3 and a political action committee. 


Greater New York Chamber of Commerce


1.) Update existing site design.

2.) Improve user experiences and update portal functionality.

3.) Develop new member registration, event management system, media streaming services & a new member management system.



  • Web Development
  • Online Donations
  • Member Engagement
  • Event Management System
  • Membership Management
  • Digital Streaming Service
  • WordPress CMS